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Category: Enter the Cage
Forum Name: Welcome to Buymmacards Forum
Forum Discription: Introduce yourself in 140 characters or more
Printed Date: 11 Mar 2025 at 12:41pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.62 -

Topic: Oneofone
Posted By: Oneofone
Subject: Oneofone
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 8:20pm
Hi all,

   Just wanted to come on here, say hi, introduce myself. I learned about this place from Matt. I just bought his 2012 RR 1/1.  My name is Chris.  Around 2002 I was living in New Orleans, by myself and on a mission (thats another story). Most of what I was doing down there was mornings with lots of time to myself in the days. Without a lot of funds and not a lot of friends, I rented a lot of movies. A lots of movies actually sometimes 5 a day. I remember watching all of the Faces of Death videos and then there I saw UFC #1 (hooked) then 2,3,4,5 etc etc. I just loved the whole concept. I loved how the bios of each fighter were explained between fights and then the fight. No rules, banned in 49 states a total no holds bar head bashin tournament. Gracie pullin' some guys arm out of its socket and chokin another with the mans own gi. Dan Severen was a beast, Coleman was another fav, but my most favorite fight was what appeared to be a beat up Bas Rutten. He was beat down on his back and the anouncer had just said Bas's nose is broken. Man did he make a comeback to win I was so impressed. I saw smaller guys beating men twice their size, boxers vs martial arts,  and then I ran out of videos. Fast forward 5 - 6 years and I was laid off of a job and trying to make money. I began selling t shirts on ebay mostly like Ed Hardy designs, I was killin' it. I kept seeing the illest Afflicion shirts with MMA guys names on them not to mention way cool skull designs that people were buying up. I had GSP shirts, Iceman Lidell and many others. I actually still have a Fedor vs Barnett shirt and a Chris Horodeki shirt, both Affliction. So I peeked back into the UFC and was liking how it had developed and all the new names. Tito beating Shamrock was cool. Ive had a few friends that were into it and we'd hit the bars in Boston that were showing UFC fights and then it seemed to really get big and watered down somewhat with so many fighters and weight classes. I'm from and live in the Boston area, so there hasnt been a shortage of championships in the last 10 years. If it wasnt the Patriots winning a Superbowl, it was the Sox,B's, or Celts taking ceter stage. The UFC was something that fell off my radar. I think it was Gina Corrano that caught my attention this last time and Cyborg and more recent Rousey. Ive always been a fan over 10 years, just not a die hard. I never been to a live event and I have never bought a pack of cards. I think I bought enough cardboard in the 90s to keep me from ever opening a pack of anything. I doubt I will ever get the bug to buy and chase cards, MMA or anything. So what I do last weekend? I gave back to an industry that has entertained me, thrilled me and made me money at some tough times. I felt a little compelled to give back and I felt a little like supporting and another part of me felt deep down like I was investing in something that I have seen grow and transform. I feel the UFC is already successful, but I feel the future in another 10 years can only reach new heights. I have (in my world) seen many undefeated champions, record setters and record breakers. I have trained a record breaker myself. Ive seen streaks end too. Buying the Rousey 1/1 sure was/is a gamble. But I have big goals in my life today. I'm looking to take that chance. I am a fan of MMA and today (well tomorrow) I will even have a card too. I am going to be a proud owner of that card. I will keep the MMA back closer in my world, reading and watching and scoping things out. Suppose I should now, having a vested interest in it. I got more reason today to say I'm a long time fan and now supporter.

Posted By: WhiteIvy
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 8:41pm
Welcome to the site!

Loved the background story. 

I'm sure many people here were wonder "who bought that card?" And you just gave us a great rundown.

Is the Rousey 1/1 the only mma card you own?


Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 8:47pm
Originally posted by WhiteIvy

Is the Rousey 1/1 the only mma card you own?

Thats it. The MMA first I ever bought. Could be the last too. Oh and thanks for the welcome.


Posted By: allanjfirman
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 8:50pm
That first part of that Bio was like so a flashback for me , faces of death and then the video cassette of ufc 1 came out @ the rental store . boom i was so sold on that also back then . sh*t that was long ago for me it seems , how old are you .  LOL

Welcome to the site and do enjoy , as i see Matthew sure started you on the right foot and best path in UFC card collecting . Wise choice !!!

------------- -
For Sale/Trade

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:00pm
Originally posted by allanjfirman

how old are you
Just turned 48 last month.

 Funny I want to buy a set of UFC 1-10 so bad right now.  (UFC the first seasonLOL)

Matt is very cool and I'm so glad he reached out and invited me here.

Posted By: matthewevan
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:02pm
Welcome to the site. 

You will find all sorts of fans here.. Fans of the fights, fans of the cards, fans of the posters.. 

You will also find the best mma collectors in the world who will give you the straight info.. No bs. 

My bet.. After hanging around here for a while.. You will buy some more mma cards... And soon be hooked. It happened to me 5 years ago.

And even if you don't.. This site will still provide you with the best place to come and talk about mma.

So again.. Welcome. Glad to have you aboard.

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:11pm
Matt, Thanks again. Gee the card arrives tomorrow and UFC184 is tomorrow too. I cant explain the cool vibes and joining this community? Can it get any better?

Posted By: whelan144l
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:17pm
I still have nightmares about the guy who parachuted into the alligator pit - Couldn't watch anymore Faces of Death.
Welcome to the site.  And fair warning - my 1st purchase was also from Matt.  Bought 11 - 12 Finest /8 base cards for $77.00.  A few years later and I have a few more cards. 

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:23pm
The craziest scene for me was the guy in the junkyard. The jack slipped and the rear brake drum severed his leg in half. As they dragged him out, the other half of his leg was shown hanging by what appeared to be a few veins. Sick stuff. Funny the UFC videos were right next to the Faces of Death videosWink

Oh and that Cat 1/1, I looked a that a few times todayShocked

Posted By: whelan144l
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:38pm
Zingano won't make it out of the 1st round.  Rousey is on another level.  

Posted By: matthewevan
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:43pm
Originally posted by whelan144l

I still have nightmares about the guy who parachuted into the alligator pit - Couldn't watch anymore Faces of Death.
Welcome to the site.  And fair warning - my 1st purchase was also from Matt.  Bought 11 - 12 Finest /8 base cards for $77.00.  A few years later and I have a few more cards. 

This is Soo funny.  I am like the pusher that gets everyone hooked I guess.

My first purchase was at a sporting good store(modell's). I bought a blaster box of main event. Got a rich franklin auto and didn't realize how rare that was in a blaster... 

Then went on the hunt to buy all ten silva jumbo mat autos... Only to fail when I only had seven of them. 

40 cases of leaf metal later.. 

Posted By: allanjfirman
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 9:51pm
Originally posted by matthewevan

Originally posted by whelan144l

I still have nightmares about the guy who parachuted into the alligator pit - Couldn't watch anymore Faces of Death.
Welcome to the site.  And fair warning - my 1st purchase was also from Matt.  Bought 11 - 12 Finest /8 base cards for $77.00.  A few years later and I have a few more cards. 

This is Soo funny.  I am like the pusher that gets everyone hooked I guess.

My first purchase was at a sporting good store(modell's). I bought a blaster box of main event. Got a rich franklin auto and didn't realize how rare that was in a blaster... 

Then went on the hunt to buy all ten silva jumbo mat autos... Only to fail when I only had seven of them. 

40 cases of leaf metal later.. 

I actually dont know which Quote is funnier , really .  LOL

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For Sale/Trade

Posted By: freakfluke
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 10:43pm
pretty sure wall of text gave me a seizure

Nobody hears

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 11:12pm
Originally posted by freakfluke

pretty sure wall of text gave me a seizure
I promise to keep my future posts short paragraphs and snappy one liners.

Posted By: allanjfirman
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2015 at 11:18pm

------------- -
For Sale/Trade

Posted By: WhiteIvy
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 1:47am
Originally posted by freakfluke

pretty sure wall of text gave me a seizure



Posted By: freakfluke
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 1:48am
Originally posted by Oneofone

Originally posted by freakfluke

pretty sure wall of text gave me a seizure
I promise to keep my future posts short paragraphs and snappy one liners.


Nobody hears

Posted By: freakfluke
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 1:49am
Welcome btw. Enjoy.

Nobody hears

Posted By: lesnar_fan
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 5:06am
welcome to the site

o yeah

Eli > Tom LOL

Posted By: Elite
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 5:43am
Originally posted by freakfluke

pretty sure wall of text gave me a seizure

Good Big smile Thank you Chris!

------------- - Buymmacards & EBay Cards for Sale - -Trade list

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 8:01am
Originally posted by freakfluke

Welcome btw. Enjoy.

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 8:02am
Originally posted by lesnar_fan

welcome to the siteo yeah Eli > Tom LOL


Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 8:05am
Originally posted by Elite

Originally posted by freakfluke

pretty sure wall of text gave me a seizure

Good Big smile Thank you Chris!

So I'm 1-0 By way of seizure

Posted By: kevinsmma
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 4:24pm
Its good to have another good guy on the site. Welcome to collecting Ufc stuff, one of the best and worst,emotional, mental, and financial roller coasters you will ever ride. I hope for your sake that rousey doesn't get popped for roids now. Lol

Posted By: allanjfirman
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 5:29pm
Originally posted by kevinsmma

]Welcome to collecting Ufc stuff, one of the best and worst,emotional, mental, and financial roller coasters you will ever ride.  
Quote of the day .  Wink

------------- -
For Sale/Trade

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 6:11pm
Originally posted by allanjfirman

Originally posted by kevinsmma

]Welcome to collecting Ufc stuff, one of the best and worst,emotional, mental, and financial roller coasters you will ever ride.  
Quote of the day .  Wink

Funny I thought this was:Dead
I hope for your sake that rousey doesn't get popped for roids now. Lol

Posted By: kevinsmma
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 8:39pm
Lmao sorry man. I had to throw that in there. I have some nice anderson cards that I thought were awesome and then the whole roid thing ruined it for me. I don't see Ronda being a ped user.

Posted By: Oneofone
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2015 at 8:57pm
Originally posted by kevinsmma

]Lmao sorry man. I had to throw that in there. I have some nice anderson cards that I thought were awesome and then the whole roid thing ruined it for me. I don't see Ronda being a ped user.
I know it was in jestLOL. My Roger Clemens cards tanked like that and Roger still denies it to the day. Too bad bout AS. The roids are a Ouch to MMA and all sports. I do like my eggs in one basket though.

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